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Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Monday, November 01, 2010

Why bad spirits can enter human body?

Perhaps many are still wondering why humans are touched by bad spirits. The most common reason I know is a person is too weak spiritually that’s why he is possessed. But are we aware of the basic reason why this phenomenon can happen?

According to the Holy Scripture of Christians in the Book of Genesis Chapter 2 verse 7 (2:7) of the Old Testament, man became a living soul after God breathe in the nostril of his creation. We believe in trinity that God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Human beings have 3 subdivisions: body, spirit and soul. The soul is the one that will become useless without the body or flesh. The spirit in us is the one which can communicate to the Father. It allows us to have an intimate relationship with Him like talking to him personally and making a covenant.

So since our body is a living soul, it is capable of dwelling spirits either good or bad. If our spirit is not connected or bonded with that of Christ which is the Holy Spirit because of our sins, guilt and fleshly desires bad spirit can easily disturb us and worst enter our body.

These bad spirits are the fallen angles of God. They followed their leader Lucifer who was once the wisest among all the angels of God. In heaven, there’s no place for creations like him and to those who compromised him. These bad spirits need flesh or body to enter to perform evil. If they found nothing, that’s why they live in trees, caves, stones, and any other objects.

Deception is what these bad creations do. They do it for us (believers ) to turn away from God and follow their wicked ways. From Adam and Eve, Satan’s sin is planted in us. However, we can stop the curse. All we have to do is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, read his words, follow his commandments and live the kind of life that’s according to His will.

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I respect people’s opinion and views in life. I’m not cursing you to death if you prefer not to believe in Him. But try to figure out the things that you can see here on earth in which you knew that man can’t do or perform it. Who do you think is the author of everything that is wondrous here on the temporal place we live in? Are you not amaze with His great power?

Sunday, October 03, 2010

In the Presence of my Enemies

Last February, I read a very inspiring and page-turning non-fiction book-In the Presence of my Enemies by Gracia Burnham with Dean Merrill. If we remember Gracia was abducted by the Abbu Sayyaf.She was held captive with her husband, Martin who didn't survive in a year of terror. They are American missionaries who dedicate themselves to God. They humble themselves, become God's servants, and have lived in the Philippines for their mission.

"The not why an all-powerful God might choose to subject a man to evil, 
but how a man, with God’s help, responds to evil...
The Burnhams, under torturous conditions, befriended their guards, 
comforted their fellow hostages and kept their faith in a God 
who seemed to have abandoned them." USA TODAY

I like the book. I learned how hard it is to be kidnapped.To be taken away from your love ones with no life assurance the following day.I always hear news about the  Abbu Sayyaf group on TV but I've learned more about them after reading Gracia's book. The book describes each person who's involved in the story.The hostages and the Filipino terrorist who were engaged in the islamic movement are identified.So you get to know them before reading the entire story.

If you're down at the moment, reading the book will definitely encourage you to get your hope back. With the couple's experiences in the jungle in the hands of their abductors, you'll realize that despite difficulties the couple remained strong.There's a part of the book when Gracia started asking God about their situation. She felt like God abandoned them in Philippine jungle.She almost gave up her faith but Martin was there to remind her about God's way.

Wherever we go, we will be facing threats.Enemies are like thieves waiting for the perfect time to attack.Problems won't leave us. In the Presence of my Enemies is a great book that defines faith, courage and hope.Gracia believed that she can make it through the rain and was reunited when her children in the states.She has proved that God has a purpose for letting it happened.

Big thanks to my co-worker who shared the book with me.She happens to have the same name with me.We took in turns in reading it.

Friday, October 01, 2010

Diversity and Equality

I used to ask the presence of people with disability in the society.I couldn't see the point of having them around us. It hurt me to see them suffer. I asked God why He created them if they can't live normally as I do.I imagined how hard for their parents and family members to deal with people with special needs.The worst thing is rejection.They're hardly accepted because of how they look and act.

Then I learned a great lesson about diversity.It was in 2008 when these special children turned my life into a better perspective.I joined a summer camp for children with disabilities.Being with them in ten days gave light to my question. It was clear to me then that they're sent from above to teach  us love, acceptance, patience and equality despite their physical and mental condition.

Though they don't look, think and act as expected to their age they're still part of the community. They belong in our society. They ought to be given educational and social rights.We might think they're no use but disabled people who became successful in their quest as physically and mentally-challenged people lift our spirit.They simply inspire us.All things work together for good. They're with us to touch the dying souls and to give courage to hopeless ones.Despite their condition you see the smile on their faces.

At times we question God about His ways but the moment we find the answer, it will lead us to thank Him.
The Creed of Babies with Down Syndrome

My face may be different but my feelings the same.
I laugh and I cry and take pride in my gains.
I was sent here among you to teach and to love
as God in the heavens looks down from above.
To Him I'm no different, His love knows no bounds
It's those here among you in cities and towns
that judge me by standards that man has imparted,
But this family I've chosen will help me get started.
For I'm one of the children so special and few
that came here to learn the same lesson as you.
That love is acceptance, it must come from the heart;
we all have the same purpose, though not the same start.
The Lord gave me life to live and embrace,
and I'll do it as you do but at my own pace.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A Tree Planted by the River

"I shall not be
I shall not be moved
Just like a tree planted by the river
I shall not be moved"

These are the words from a  Christian song that I’ve known for more than 20 years. Every time I hear this, I always think about my mom when she was in Germany. She went there in the 90’s.We didn't have cell phones yet and our means of communication were letters,  a land line and voice recorder. She loved listening to this song and I first understood its message when I was in high school. This song was her stronghold when her love ones were far from her.Jesus Christ has been her refuge.

This was the message delivered to us last Sunday. I was blessed with our visitor. He was a young pastor yet filled with God's anointing.The song gives meaning to a man’s life which is full of faith and meditation of God’s word that can be compared to a tee that grows up near the body of water that will last long for it has enough water to sustain life. Its roots can develop and function well. Thus, it can’t be easily pulled out.It can have green, leafy and shiny leaves that represent success and spiritual stability.

Unlike man’s life which does not conform to the will of God, a tree-like life by the river is strong enough to fight evil and overcome circumstances. In addition, it can be fruitful since it has sufficient water to sustain its life.A person can stand against all odds and remain unbreakable in the test of time.On the contrary, a man who lives the opposite way  can be equate to a tree which leaves will eventually fall as its body dies. In other words, a man’s life in this example will disappear in this world without becoming successful and getting heavenly rewards. He can’t claim the peace, joy and righteousness that are promised by God. As a result, living on earth yet getting a life like hell.

To achieve this kind of life, man should serve the Lord, follow thy ways and live with the guidance of His words and Holy Spirit.

Personal uprightness is temporal yet spiritual holiness isn’t.Forcing ourselves to do good  things is hard but a change by the grace of God is a sign of real modification.Many things make us happy.The happiness we get from Him though is the best we can get.

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.-Psalms 37:4

Monday, July 05, 2010

Overflowing Blessings

Man can't fathom the great and marvelous things that our Heavenly  Father can give us.Though at times we feel like being ignored and forsaken I'm certain that He never left us.It is us people who let go of Him.At the saddest and hardest pages of my life He was my savior,my refuge,my comforter and my friend.Perhaps there are people who can't see my point but there's one thing that I want to remind you: Material possessions can make us happy but true happiness isn't in's in us.We find peace and  serenity in ourselves if we start offering our lives to Him-the alpha and omega.It  may be difficult to understand but I hope that you'll soon experience the blissful and secure feeling of being laid in His arms.

For more than twenty years I've come to realize how my Creator guide and protect my family and I. We are currently not staying in one roof and one country but I know that He's keeping us under His mighty wings.I thank the Lord for the blessings that He has showered upon us.

I am thankful for the education that we attain, for who we are at the moment, for the kind of family that we belong,for the people that shaped our spiritual life and for the  unique gifts that only a few people have.We are not that famous  or popular but in the eyes of GodI know we are special. Since we were kids, people have known us  to be  exceptional  ones.The opportunities that we have made us feel that we are looked after,guided and blessed.

I'm happier to know about the current situation of our older sister.God bless her family more.Furthermore, I give thanks for the negative things and horrible people that came to my life.They made me draw myself nearer to God.They've made me become a fighter all the time.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Demons Attack During the Camp

On the last night at Kapitan Tomas Monteverde Central Elementary School, my group mates and I had a terrifying experience. Supernatural and satan’s form of deception tried to fool us! It was during our campfire when one of our volunteers cried with so much fear. She had seen ghost many times  on that day after it got dark. At first she said  a white lady was roaming around the place and finally entered our room. I wasn’t shaken though. In fact I went in and out alone. We planned to have a short gathering in our room since it was our final night together. Our planned activity was changed when the other volunteer said  a disembodied soul was standing behind me. I hurriedly close my eyes without looking at my back. Our group leader encouraged us to hold our hands together and started praying  intimately.

As to myself, I’m not so worried. I know what I believe in and whom I stand for. Whom shall I fear if I know that Jesus is in me? An evil can be defeated  with strong and genuine prayers. God is powerful more than any creature on earth and He can definitely do everything to change things around us.

What I was thinking about was  the event may get worse if my fellows would start to feel afraid, threatened and shaken with what they had heard. It was a blessing that five of us are born again Christians. We share the same faith and we weren’t touched by wraith. The eyes of those people who had seen it were full of blazing fire in my sight. I can feel that they have a resisting spirit. They’re like hard stones which are hard to pound. Thank heavens that nobody was enchanted by any ghosts or possessed by demons.

I told mom and our church leader about these things and both of them had the same explanation.

This usually happens when evil witnesses false worship.They can easily bother us if we’re not firm with God.That’s why Christians should be very careful with it most specially when we are in haunted places.Usually, territorial bad spirits linger and live in it. They will try to frighten us and lead us to doubt God’s existence if He’ll truly save us when supernatural cross our way.
God shows miracles and He definitely fought for us.The intercession lasted for four hours.We didn’t stop praying asking God to cover us with His precious blood and that He’ll hide us under his mighty wings.
This thing that happened in Kamp Pag-asa (The Camp of Hope) 2009 gave me fresh revelations. My faith has been put into a test and by God’s glory He delivered us and comforted us that we’re truly His children.The verse below is very helpful in times like this.
Pslams 91-Abiding in the Shadow of the Almighty

1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High
 shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD,
 He is my refuge and my fortress:
my God; in him will I trust.
3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler,
 and from the noisome pestilence.
4 He shall cover thee with his feathers,
 and under his wings shalt thou trust:
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;
 nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;
 nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side,
 and ten thousand at thy right hand;
but it shall not come nigh thee.
8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold
 and see the reward of the wicked.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Gift

Are you expecting something that you can hold? The gift that I’m referring to is a lovely poem and I’m sharing it.

The thought of it suits me of what I feel now. A friend of mine asked me to view something and I found it great. I did some sort of reading and thought of posting it. It’s entitled A Gift Wrapped Presence authored by Noela-Anne Driver

How many of us fail the climb
How many of us fall
As we seek the truth inside our selves
We shrink and grow so small
I asked you Jesus son of God
To guide me all the way
With faith we need to make us strong
& words we need to say
Oh No.. my Father God please help, I stumbled….. YET again
And still you’re there to wipe our tears & pick us up ….Again…….
I pray for you to take my soul my spirit & my life
I ask you for the blood you gave to purify from strife
You gave me love & fed me scriptures needed to indulge
So take my baby hand my Lord & heal me of my scars
Your love is over whelming the truth is in its light
A guiding star that never fades you’re always in my sight
I felt you Jesus Son Of God please take me in your arms
And wash my sins & baptized me For I will do no wrongs
My learning curves & obstacles are fewer every day
As miracles and Holy love Lord shine & lead the way
It’s a flower glazed by sunlight or a smile from an unknown being
It’s the way you gently wrapped your presence as a gift to me unseen
It’s the way you always love me….even when I sometimes fall
And knowing in the darkest night, You answer to my call

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

The very essence of Easter Sunday is celebrating God’s amazing grace.The grace that sets us all free! It’s a battle won by Him that allows us to receive the promises of Christ!When I was a kid, this holiday is not clear to me yet when I got to understand the reason of celebrating it I realized that all of us who believe in Him should really remember it! So, I guess Easter should be explained to children and not just allowing them to have fun like hunting for Easter eggs.I’m not against of letting them paint eggs and do related activities but parents shouldn’t forget that young minds ought to know the purpose of doing and celebrating it.

Holy Week is a significant observation for Christians.Yesterday marked the end of God’s physical suffering on earth and today we celebrate  the truth that He is a risen God.  While on a holiday, we listened to the speakers of Seven Last Words.It relieved me and it refreshes my faith in God.It brought peace in my heart and self-satisfaction.My redeemer truly lives (^_^)

HAPPY EASTER everyone!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Palm Sunday

Four days ago was Palm Sunday for Catholics.It’s the beginning of their observation to Christ’s Passion.Churchgoers brought with them palm twigs and branches.After it was anointed by the priest they can put it anywhere around their houses like altars and doors.It serves as a protection for them.

I spent my weekend in my boyfriend’s house.Though I didn’t go to church with my own family I was able to hear the word of God by joining his family.We’re both Christians but we differ in sect. Religion doesn’t matter to me and entering their church is not a big deal to me.

As I enter the place where people gather and worship God as one spirit I saw this proverb:
 God is listening and he can reverse tragedy.

And here’s the message of the Sunday mass:

God’s children must not only remember and commemorate His death and how it happened.The most important thing to do during Lenten season is to repent.This is a time to ask forgiveness  and renew ourselves.Christ must increase in us and not our own self or will.The event reminds us people who believe in Him about His great love to humankind by sacrificing His own son, Jesus Christ who died on the cross. His death marked the end of human’s bondage to sin.It only needs faith and action in order to be saved.He brought salvation to man and we shouldn’t forget it as Christians, believers and followers of Christ.

 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have an everlasting life-John 3:16
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