My daily experiences in an English Academy have been my challenge since the moment I started teaching foreign students.I never expected that I would spend this long.Being with my fellow ESL
teachers is a fun and an exciting one for me.
During our breaks we talk about how well our students do with their homework, exercises and exams.As our students excel we feel that we have done our part as teachers.We are all proud whenever we see our students learn and apply what they have learned.At times we solicit ideas and strategies to each other on how to help the slow-paced ones.
On the contrary, there are times that I feel bored and that my daily routine is monotonous. There comes a time that I think about getting a new job in a new place with new colleagues to work with.This drive is very strong if I have an unpleasant class hour. I start thinking about quitting then! My personal development I gain as I continue to teach them is the thing that holds me back.Moreover, I like the working environment where I'm currently in.Furthermore, my smart and good students convince me to stay and keep my spirit in teaching high.
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