I became inquisitive after I heard the comment that a Hongkong magazine writer generalized Philippines by saying that it's a A Nation of Slaves!We were riding on a taxi on our way to the Davao Doctors Hospital when I heard a flash news about it from the radio attached to the cab.The kids are not feeling well so we decided to have them checked by their pediatrician before their condition get worse.
Many Filipinos got mad the moment that it was aired on TV.According to the radio announcer, the Department of Tourism and Office of the President are currently assessing the situation though a public apology was done by the journalist.
A columnist name Chip Tsao's comment would also mean that our country is a nation of servants! I DEFINITELY UNDERSTAND it why he had written those words.The fact that thousands of OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) are employed in Hongkong households as housemaids,helper or chambermaids perhaps made him think that way.I somehow consider it.However, it's hard for me to accept the truth that he thinks that WE ARE ALL LIKE THAT! I won't deny the thing that from every corner of the earth, you find a Filipino working for their foreign employers. It's sad to know about this reality in which I'm uncertain if we can still change this setting.
The Filipinos are reacting much about it because we have fellows who are world widely respected and honored due to their amazing works and great achievements.I guess Chip Tsao forgot that WE ARE ALSO EDUCATED.Not all Filipinos are maids or the likes.
His act was totally a form of disrespect for every Filipino working abroad specially to those who are servants in Hongkong.
These are Chip Tsao's exact words in his article:

Manila has just claimed sovereignty over the scattered rocks in the South China Sea called the Spratly Islands.......As a nation of servants, you don't flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter..........YOU CAN SHARE YOUR IDEAS ABOUT THE ISSUE BY LEAVING A COMMENT either negative or positive.Rest assured that I'm open to every opinion.Thank you.
That just goes to show you how arrogant people are. They are so wrapped up in there own little world that they cannot be thankful for or to those that take care of them. You are a simple people that are giving and caring (there are a few bad seeds everywhere). The pinhead is like most newspeople. Just after a reaction that sells news. People like that should be banned and boycotted till they are gone back to the rock they came from under. Thanks for the post. Frank. ;)
I didn't expect you here Frank!
Anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts to us.
I agree to it.Filipinos are used to be belittled by industrialized and well-developed nations..but if it's unbearable our voice will be definitely heard!
BTW, I was smiling while reading the last part of your comment (^_^)
Wow, as soon as I read it, I got pissed off!!
Just because many Filipina's HAVE A GREAT TALENT TO HELP PEOPLE, doesn't mean they are servants. Filipino's happen to be a very proud, kind and compassionate people. I have experienced this when I visited the PI.
Maybe if this moron writer would visit the PI with an open mind, he would see the truth about the Filipino people!
I guess it doesn't matter because the vast majority of Americans, and other cultures that I speak with, love the people of the Philippines.
I thought so..perhaps Chip haven't visited my country and he has a limited exposure to Filipinos
Thanks Bob (^_^)
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